Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 21: Back to the US!

Today was our last morning in Europe :( We woke up extra early this morning so we could say goodbye to some people, and then headed off to the airport round 9:30. Our flight was originally scheduled to leave at 1:00, but when we got to the airport we found out it was delayed! :(
And since we had already gotten dropped off by the shuttle we had no choice but to hang out in the airport...
This airport is so small compared to Newark. Here we thought there'd at least be some shops that we could walk around and browse through to keep us occupied. Boy were we wrong!..There were like 7 stores tops, we saw everything in under an hour. Our flight had a four hour delay!! I was about to buy a book to read, but couldn't find it in me to spend that kind of money. Everything in the store was expensive :( so I'll just sit tight and socialize with people, while grandma closes her eyes.
This trip was defenitely alot of fun, but I'm glad its over. I'm exhausted. Waking up early every day, and sleeping on a bus isn't very relaxing, but we did get alot done.  We saw alot of great places. I'm glad I got to share this experience with Grandma. I got to travel around Europe again, and spent some good quality time with Grandma. I hope it was everything she expected it to be. It really was a great time.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Day 20: Paris

I never realized how big Paris was. Paris is actually the largest cuty we visited in this entire tour. Today we got to see all of the major sites in Paris including the Opera house, the Notra Dame Cathedral, the Arc de Triomphe, the Champs-Elysees, the Palace of Versailles, and of course the Eiffel Tower!
Notra Dame Cathedral

Close up of the Gothic Architecture at Notra Dame
The Eiffel Tower!!

The Opera House

We got to climb up to the second level of the Eiffel Tower, and the views were absolutely amazing. Here are a few pics of the view:


After all the day siteseeing, we took a ride to the Moulin Rouge to see a show!. The show was absolutely amazing, and it's really to bad we couldn't take any pictures in the venue. They took everyone cameras away when you entered the lobby. I was able to sneak some pictures in the foyer :)
The famous Windmill!!

Sign in the Foyer

Me hanging out in the Foyer

But like I said, the show was absolutely amazing!.The dancing was unbelievable, and the food was delicious! :) It was a great way to end the trip.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Pics in Pisa

We stopped real quick in Pisa to take some pictures withe the leaning tower. Grandma wouldn't do any funny poses for me :( the sun was really bright so the pictures might be a bit dark. No pictures for me either...grandma couldn't couldnt see with the sun, and the pictures she thought she took didn't come out very good.. lol

It's really leaning in this picture!

The Church of Pisa

The Duomo
Now off to Nice!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 15 A quick stop in Florence...

We stopped in Florence today for about two hours and saw some beautiful pieces of art. The history behind Florence just comes to life when you look at the sculptures scattered around the city.
We went on a quick tour of the major sites and admired all of the amazing sculptures. We visited the Academy of Fine Arts where grandma admired Michelangelo's celebrated David, and then of course, did some shopping. We got to visit the cathedral, the church of Santa Maria, the bell tower and Signoria Square.
The Cathedral

Grandma outside the Cathedral

Beautiful side view

The tour was a bit rushed but I guess our hide was eager to get to the soccer game.
There was some kind of traditional medieval soccer game that was taking part in one of the squares so everything was barricaded. We couldn't go into the cathedral and didn't get to climb the duomo :( But the trip was still worth it. The architecture is so amazing and the sculptures around town are beautiful.
Church of Santa Maria

Just hanging out by the fountain

Our Tour guide is holding the umbrella in Signoria Square

Signoria Square

The leaning tower of Florence!

Grandma and David

David's best side..

DAY 9: From Salzburg to Vienna

Another early and rainy morning :( This not what we expected-the rain has got to go! We went on a tour of Salzburg with a different guide named Barbara today. I have to say I enjoy our globus guide, Simona much better. She speaks more clearly and doesn't rush to get everything in. Barbara was speaking to fast I couldnt understand half the stuff she was saying. Lol
Apparently the sound if music was filmed in Salzburg so alot of the sites she took us to were from the movie. The first place we went was Marabell Gardens. They used the gardens a lot in the movie. Grandma and I haven't seen it in so long we dont really remember scenes. But the flowers were so pretty.
Somewhere in my pictures you'll see a fence with locks all over it. The locks are put on by a lot of younger couples to symbolize their love? The tour guide said something about the locks on the river, and how they never break so couple put locks on the fence so their love never dies.... I wonder many of those couples are still together now .... Lol
We went out for dinner to a wine tavern in the Vienna Woods I had wienerswichal? I may have spelt that wrong. But I always thought it was a word dad made up so when I heard the tour guide say it i started laughing. It was actually very good :) Then again it is breaded turkey. I like turkey
The food was delicious and the group really was a good time. There was a guy playing the accordion and another with a violin. They were fantastic!! Got everyone up and dancing and singing along it was great!