Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wine Tavern pictures!

Wine Vinards!

While in Vienna we ventured out to a Heurigen (wine tavern) for some wine and dinner. It was such a great time! I think we all had a little too much wine :) People were dancing and singin like crazy.
Our table for the night!. Me, Joel, Ally, Shelia, Wheatie, and Grandma

Our entertainment for the night

Jim was the first one to bust a move :)

Bevon and Shirley dancin

Grandma getting seduced by the violinist

The newlyweds of the trip!

Joel and Ally tippin our entertainment
Look at those Aussies Singin!

Jim and Laura Dancing
Jim, Leni, Cyd, and Colleen all daning away!

I think that says wine tavern??...lol

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