Wednesday, June 13, 2012

DAY 11: Austria - Venice!

Water Taxis

We cannot believe it has rained every day on this trip :( It's alwasy so nice out when we're traveling. Then the minute we get someplace, it starts to down pour. Tonight's excusion tops everything so far. We had to take a boat from the mainland on to the island for dinner, and the weather was not very friendly. None of us were happy campers getting on that boat tonight...
We're staying at a hotel on the mainland. It's less complicated to get all the luggage to the hotel that way. So we needed to take a water taxi to get to our restaurant on the islands. That was an experience! The river was rough and the waves were a little scary. I'm proud of grandma and everyone for getting on :)
The dock where we picked up the water taxi
Another one of the dock

Pretty Resturant by the dock.
The water calmed down by the time we got on the water taxi :)

Me on the water taxi

Grandma on the water taxi

Rain, Rain go away...

Come again another day...

Leory joined us for dinner

Our first dinner in Italy!

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