Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 15 A quick stop in Florence...

We stopped in Florence today for about two hours and saw some beautiful pieces of art. The history behind Florence just comes to life when you look at the sculptures scattered around the city.
We went on a quick tour of the major sites and admired all of the amazing sculptures. We visited the Academy of Fine Arts where grandma admired Michelangelo's celebrated David, and then of course, did some shopping. We got to visit the cathedral, the church of Santa Maria, the bell tower and Signoria Square.
The Cathedral

Grandma outside the Cathedral

Beautiful side view

The tour was a bit rushed but I guess our hide was eager to get to the soccer game.
There was some kind of traditional medieval soccer game that was taking part in one of the squares so everything was barricaded. We couldn't go into the cathedral and didn't get to climb the duomo :( But the trip was still worth it. The architecture is so amazing and the sculptures around town are beautiful.
Church of Santa Maria

Just hanging out by the fountain

Our Tour guide is holding the umbrella in Signoria Square

Signoria Square

The leaning tower of Florence!

Grandma and David

David's best side..

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