Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 2: A full day in LonDon

So today was our 2nd day in London. Very eventful. OMG I have to get up early every day?!?...I was so not happy when that alarm went off at 6:30AM..and I dont think Grandma was
We went on our first tour today.Here's a picture from our first bus ride. I tried using my flip worked! :)
Im just excited that she finally smiled and started to have a good time. Unfortunately it has been cooler than we anticipated. Grandma was freezing her booty off yesturday, so this morning when we started the tour she was cold. I mean look at her happy face in this picture in front of Webminster Abby: she was totally not expecting the picture here..and was cold lol
Below is a picture of us in front of St. Pauls Cathedral. The architechture is so beautiful!
She still looks cold!!

Some more outside pictures since we werent allowed in!
This is a picture of the Duomo of the St. Pauls Cathedral, along with a picture of the ceiling of the entrance.I just think the architechture is beautiful. look at the sculptures! amazing.


This is some kind of statue..its on the road leading from the Cathedral to Buckingham Palace
I made Grandma walk fast so she would warm up. |And when the tour guide would stop and talk I would rub her arms, attempted to keep her warm. I refused to let her stay in the bus. I have to say it the tour was a little rushed this morning, and I was alittle dissapointed we couldn't get close to Buckingham Palace or inside St Pauls Cathedral. They're both in use for theJubilee and are getting prepped for events. Tomorrow is the Queens Thanksgiving Dinner in the Cathedral, and there was a sound check for a concert at Buckingham Palace so everything was roped off. The surrounding area by the palace was  full of people trying to take pictures of Stevie Wonder on Stage, and people were cheering for the cameras for every news station around. Our tour guide let us wander around for a bit, but I wasn't able to get any good pictures.I have to say it was a little rushed, and I was alittle dissapointed we couldn't go to Buckingham Palace or St Pauls Cathedral. They're both in use for theJubilee and are getting prepped for events. Tomorrow is the Queens Thanksgiving Dinner in the Cathedral, and there was a sound check for a concert at Buckingham Palace so everything was roped off. The surrounding area by the palace was  full of people trying to take pictures of Stevie Wonder on Stage, and people were cheering for the cameras for every news station around. Our tour guide let us wander around for a bit, but I wasn't able to get any good pictures. This is a picture of me trying to get Stevie Wonder...the black and green screen is the backdrop of the stage. the sculpture in the middle is in the garden right in fron of Buckingham Palace.. Here are some pictures from around Buckinham Palace.
Im not exactly sure why this woman was on the screen but she kept clapping and singing..
Guards riding their horses!

Here are just some pictures from the remainder of the day!
Big Ben & Westminster Abby

Side View from Westminster

After wandering around with the tour we ventured off to buy Grandma a warm jacket and go shopping. We took a cab down to Oxford Street, then kinda roamed around looking for stuff. We successfully found her a jacket :) but then got a little lost trying to find our way back to the hotel. Grandma wanted to hail a cab, but i insisted I'd get her back to the hotel.AND I DID THANK YOU VERY MUCH! lol We may have taken a long way, but we got back ...look who we bumped into.
Half naked men who weren't cold! Grandma refused to get a picture with them so I did. I personally think it would have been great to see Grandma in this picture, but she's no Toms probably not gonna like this..but I couldn't help sorry babe! They were standing outside a Hollister. I guess for advertisement purposes??..There were girls in short shorts and tang tops but I wasn't interested in taking pictures with them.  Here are more pictures from the day.  


I just had to pose in a telephone booth again. Its an American
Westminster looks so nice from the bridge!

After wandering around the City of London for the day, we had enough time to go up to the room, freshen up and go to our night Excersion. We went on a Dinner Illumnation Boat Tour. First we went to this really nice resturaunt to have some fish and chips, then headed over to the river for a boat cruise. It was such a great experience, and the views from the river are amazingly beautiful. At dinner we sat with a very friendly couple from Vancouver, and shared some funny stories over wine and food.

Grandma in her new jacket on the bus heading to dinner

Here are some picures from the evening boat ride: Hope you enjoy! :)

Tower Bridge

On the top of the boat so we could get the best view!..

The London Eye

Westminster Abby looks so beatiful lit up at night.

A little blurry but still nice!

At the end of the Tour!

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