Sunday, June 10, 2012

DAY 8: 4 countries in 1 day! Lucerne- Lichenstein-Austria-Germany

We woke up to another rainy day in Lucerne :( Being optimistic I decided to wear shorts and a top for the travel day..bad idea lol it was a little bit more cold on the bus than I had anticipated. Thank god i still had my leather outside really wasn't that bad it was on the bus when I was cold most. We were sitting next to the door and kept getting hot with the cool air from the door. Thank god we rotate back tomorrow. I don't think I'd wanna sit there every day...
Liechtenstein is Known for their light and stone. We stopped at the capital, Vaduz. It has a very precious art collection available but the town itself is pretty modern. Theres a castle but were not allowed still serves as a household to some people.
We drove thru the second largest tunnel in Europe. In Austria..the tunnel is 14 km long! The largest Is 17 km long. We stopped in two Small towns. I can't remember the 1st one but the second one was Innsbruck. Innsbruck is famous for maxillions golden roof
and is known for Swardski crystals. We only had an hour to hang around so Grandma and I went shopping in Swardski took some pictures & grabbed some panini for lunch. Yummy!
Then we headed off to Munich the secret capital of Germany. Berlin is the actual capital, but Munich has
many more museums and site making it more iappealing to tourists. It was to bad we only stayed for one night :(
Our hotel is in a small part if Munich called Harras.
We went to the meadow where Octoberfest takes place every year. Octoberfest was originally supposed to start at the end october and last thru November but the weather was too cold so it was altered to start
late September and run till October. Everyone participates in Octoberfest in Munich-the point is to bring people together and drink!
We also went to Hofbrauhaus! That was alot of fun! Grandma didnt want beer, so opted for wine. I on the other hand went for a dark beer, which was actually pretty good. We sat with two girls from our group, who are traveling with their mothers. If you look at the picture Laura is sitting across from grandma, Ashley is across from me wih her mother Lori beside her, and and Lauras mom Carol is next to me. Laura and I have both been to Europe before, and bonded over a gondola ride at mount Pilatus. Her and her mom took the ride down with us since the gondolas sat four.
After Hofbrauhaus, a bunch of us from the group went on a field trip to the square in search for a bank. Instead we found a convenient store that sold beer and wine and bought such a healthy combination! It was funny walking around the streets of Munich with a beer in one hand and icecream in another. Too bad my hands were full or that would have made for a great picture :)

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