Saturday, June 23, 2012

Day 21: Back to the US!

Today was our last morning in Europe :( We woke up extra early this morning so we could say goodbye to some people, and then headed off to the airport round 9:30. Our flight was originally scheduled to leave at 1:00, but when we got to the airport we found out it was delayed! :(
And since we had already gotten dropped off by the shuttle we had no choice but to hang out in the airport...
This airport is so small compared to Newark. Here we thought there'd at least be some shops that we could walk around and browse through to keep us occupied. Boy were we wrong!..There were like 7 stores tops, we saw everything in under an hour. Our flight had a four hour delay!! I was about to buy a book to read, but couldn't find it in me to spend that kind of money. Everything in the store was expensive :( so I'll just sit tight and socialize with people, while grandma closes her eyes.
This trip was defenitely alot of fun, but I'm glad its over. I'm exhausted. Waking up early every day, and sleeping on a bus isn't very relaxing, but we did get alot done.  We saw alot of great places. I'm glad I got to share this experience with Grandma. I got to travel around Europe again, and spent some good quality time with Grandma. I hope it was everything she expected it to be. It really was a great time.

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