Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 12 Venice

Day 12 Venice
Today was our first beautiful day! Hopefuly there are more like this to come :) we spent the entire day in Venice! Did some shopping and of course site seeing. This morningwse took a boat to San Marco through the of Canals of Judeca. There are 8 islands of Judeca in Venice.
On the bus headin over to the docks

Here are some pictures from our ride from the mainland into the city.

We took a boat tour of the canals before walking around the city. We went on a gondola ride later in the day. Venice really is beautiful. Its mind boggling that the whole city is built on water. People say that the city is sinking every year. That's why a lot of natives are moving to the mainland and travel to the city to work. Real estate is very expensive on the islands and maintenance is tough. I could understand the issue. No one wants to live in a sinking house..
But it really is a beautiful city. The basilica in St Marks square is absolutely amazing!

Grandma in front of San Marks Basilica
Our gondala ride companions, Jane and Jon
Those Pigeons better not come near me!

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