Saturday, June 9, 2012

DAY 5: what a long day....

Day 5 Today was our longest travel day :( we were up and out of amsterdam by 7! We headed over to Cologne to see a beautiful Cathedral . Unfortunately i didn't get to take many pictures because there was a mass going on for Corpus Christe. I was able to take some pictures outside but thought it'd be rude to flash away while a mass was in session. After Cologne we headed over to Heidelberg where we took a Rhine Cruise on the river to see the castles. The castles were all up in mountains so I got what i could with my phone. The zoom isn't all that great on my iPhone. And my camera is dead and i have no charger :(
Heidelberg and Coblanch are two small cities in Germany that have a very gothic style in architecture and are known for their castles.
After we all settled in we grabbed some dinner then a few of us wandered to a castle our tour guide was talkin about during the day. We found it perfectly fine. But the struggles on the way back. Lol he castle is now used as some kind of museum and had paintings all over the yard. The land behind it was beautiful and the park looked amazing with the sunset on the horizon. Since we had walked around and wandered a ways back, we got a little confused goin back to the hotel..see im not the only person with no sense of direction! Since more than a handfull of us got frustrated we stopped at a local bar and grabbed some beer. Its weird I actual enjoy the beer here. And i almost always hate beer.. Grandma still hates it and will go for wine.
A little blurry but pretty

Marks Castle

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