Tuesday, June 5, 2012

DAY 3: Brussels and the warm weather :)

And what a beautiful day we had! The high was about 75 and I was down to a tang top at one point... Brussels was just a day trip. We only had a couple of hours to walk around and site see. The town was rather small, and the only two big attractions were the Grand Place and Manneken Pis. 
Manneken Pis is like the symbol of indenpendence in Brussels. There are so many different stories and legends behind Manneken Pis-but all them are centered around a boy who was found peeing on something. The story our tour guide told us was about a young boy, whos father was a rich merchant. The young boy got lost in the city, and was found by a police officer urinating in a bush. The rich merchant was so greatful, that he paid to get a monument put up in honor of the boy. Another story is about a young boy peeing on an electric wire during a war, who ends up saving the city from getting blown to pieces..just google it lol

A side alley ready for the dinner rush!!

Street shot with cafes

There was a band playing in the steets!

The biggest church in the city

The ceiling of the local mall!

Street Shot

Grand Place

Check out this fountain

Me and Grandma in Grand Place

These statues are everywhere!!
cool street shot

Chillin with Manneken Pis

Grabbing a beer after site seeing


Me and Manneken Pis
Grandma chilling with Manneken Pis

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